St. Agnes College Library and Information Centre

St. Agnes College Library (Central Library)

St Agnes College Library and Information Centre was relocated in June 2020 to the new Mother Mary Aloysia Centenary Block. The library is housed on the ground floor, covering an area of 14,800 square feet. The spacious library includes various sections such as Circulation, Stack, Learning Resource Centre, Reference/Research Hub, Server Room, Acquisition, Photocopy, Rare Collection, College Magazines, Donated Books, Librarian’s Room, Staff Room, and separate washrooms for girls and boys.
The library of this renowned college aims to develop a comprehensive collection of materials in various streams, such as Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science and Technology, providing vital support to teaching and research.

Over the years, the library has grown to become one of the best college libraries in the region. Its operations are fully computerized, and it houses a wealth of materials, including over 60,000 books in the Undergraduate Library and a substantial number in the Post Graduate Library, as well as print and electronic journals. The library has incorporated new dimensions to help students excel in their curricular and co-curricular educational pursuits.

The library boasts state-of-the-art facilities, such as an Accession Point for entry using RFID SMART Cards and the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification Technology for better resource security. It also uses Easylib, an automated software for daily operations, and a Handheld Reader for stock verification and identifying books on shelves. The Learning Resource Centre is equipped with multimedia facilities such as CDs, DVDs, TV, home theatre, book scanner for digitization, etc. The library software has been upgraded to the advanced EasyLib Web 6.2a version, which offers more features to facilitate users in accessing e-resources even outside the campus.

Along with books and journals, the library subscribes to J-Gate: Social Science Database from Informatics India, Bangalore, and N-LIST database from INFLIBNET Centre, allowing users to access e-books and e-journals on their desktops. The library has a sophisticated website with various useful links. With its existing resources, facilities, and services, the college has been conferred the status of Research Centre by Mangalore University. Every year, the library organizes several research-oriented activities to enhance the research culture among staff and students. Celebrating Dr. S. R. Ranganathan’s Day/Librarian’s Day is a best practice of the library.
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To acquire, organize, preserve and provide information resources (in a variety of formats) that adequately support the curricula of the College and Institution and the teaching and research needs of the students and faculties.
To provide access to the library’s collections in various formats most useful to clientele both on and off the campus.
To create an environment that provides facilities conducive to study and research.
To incorporate new technologies for supporting the objectives of the library.
To orient users to become fully developed lifelong retrievers, evaluators, and users of information.
To provide services that facilitate the use of the library to acquire knowledge.

Rules and Regulations

General Instructions/ Rules and Regulations

• The library is open every working day from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. and on Saturday till 1.00 p.m.
• Maintain a respectful and quiet environment conducive to study and research.
• All books, magazines, and furniture must be handled with care.
• Books lost, torn, defaced, marked, or damaged in any form shall have to be replaced by the borrower along with the fine as fixed by the Librarian.
• Students are expected to examine the books issued to them and draw the attention of the librarian if they are found damaged.
• Users are responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen materials identified in their name.
• Report any loss or damage immediately to library staff.
• A student caught in damaging the furniture, etching, or scribbling on tables, chairs etc., will forfeit the privilege of using the library for the year.
• Photocopy facility is available and the books, magazines and other reading materials of the library should be given for xeroxing to the xerox centre from inside the library.
• The computers available in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) should be handled with utmost care. After using the computers, it should be shut down properly. The users are instructed to enter the details in the register kept inside the LRC.
• WiFi facility is made available. Users are allowed to bring their Laptops and for Internet connection, WiFi passwords can be collected from the library staff.
• Students shall note that the library is not a place of recreation or relaxation. If any student is found misbehaving in the library, the case will be reported to the Principal with the identity cards surrendered by the student. She will not be given any library facility until he/she gets the Principal’s permission in writing.

The procedure to use the library

• To use the library facilities, students must become members by registering his/her details with the library.
• Every student who wishes to use the library shall produce his/her identity card (RFID) at the entrance to get into the library and to borrow the books.
• The library is not responsible for personal belongings. Do not leave valuables in the Property counter. Carry only one notebook and a pen inside the library.
• Students must sign in to the user’s entry register kept at the entrance, till they get their Identity card.
• Students cannot carry any books out of the library except the books issued to them.
• Using Mobiles is strictly prohibited in the library. If the student is found using the mobile inside the library, it will be confiscated and handover to the principal and a fine of Rs.100 will be collected.

The procedure for the Issue of Books:

• At the beginning of the year, three Borrower’s Tickets will be issued to every student once the Roll numbers are assigned by the college.
• The passport-size photographs should be fixed to the borrowers’ tickets.
• Books are issued at the circulation counter of the library.
• Books are issued to the students on all days of the week.
• A student should present the Borrower’s Ticket as well as the Identity Card each time to borrow and return the books.
• The Borrower’s Tickets must be kept carefully by the student and are to be used for the entire course of study until a student leaves the college. If the tickets are lost, the student should report the fact immediately to the librarian and make arrangements to get another set of tickets with a fine of Rs. 25 per card.
• Open access system is followed in the library and students themselves are allowed to locate the books and get them to the counter for borrowing the same.
• No student is allowed to take more than 3 books at a time for reference. (2 text books and 1 fiction/general).
• A book must be returned after a week. The book may, however, be renewed if there are no pending requests for the item.
• The books must be returned on the specified day. If failed to return, Re. 1 per day will be charged.
• The operation of circulation of library books has been computerized. Students will strictly adhere to the instructions and procedure for borrowing and returning the books.
• Sub-lending of Library books whether in or out of college is strictly prohibited.
• Before the closing of the academic year, the Final Year students are permitted to borrow three books from the library by paying an amount equivalent to the cost of the books as a caution deposit. They are permitted to keep these books till the last day of the examination as per the timetable. The books must be returned on the following day to the library and the caution deposit claimed from the librarian. If the student fails to return the books on the specified day a fine of Rs.5/- per day will be charged. The marks cards will be withheld until they clear all dues.

Access to Digital Resources:

• Users may have access to the library’s online resources, including e-books, databases, and journals, through designated library systems.
• Collect User Id and Password from the Librarian to access digital resources.
• Follow the library’s guidelines for accessing and using digital resources, including any licensing restrictions or copyright laws.

Periodic changes regarding the rules and regulations of the library will be put up on the notice board.
Users are encouraged to provide feedback or suggestions regarding library services, resources, and facilities.

Every student will make the best use of the library and enhance their knowledge.